Chironex fleckeri (Box Jellyfish). Copyright Robert Hartwick ©

Carukia barnesi (species of Irukandji). Copyright Dr Lisa-Ann Gershwin ©
Marine Stinger Management (Australia Wide)
Australia is home to a number of potentially dangerous jellyfish, with Chironex fleckeri (commonly known as box-jellyfish) and more than 10 species of Irukandji among the most dangerous. Whilst stings are rare and your chances of stung are low, stings are big drama when they do occur and it's important to be proactive in risk management with regards to marine stingers. The number one piece of advice is to wear protective clothing at all times, but especially during the months of October to May when jellyfish numbers are at their peak.
With our extensive experience in the Management of Marine Stingers in the Whitsunday Region, we can work with your business or Local Government to ensure that the risk of marine stings are greatly reduced based on the 'Whitsunday Model'. We can also provide training/presentations to your business to ensure your business is at the cutting edge of marine stinger management.
The 'Whitsunday Model' was created in 2006 by the Whitsunday Marine Stinger Management Committee as a means of reducing the number of irukandji stings occurring in the Whitsunday Region. Data showed, that through the adoption of this model, the reported number of irukandji stings dropped significantly - by some 75%.
We have over 10 years experience working in Marine Stinger Management with one of the world's leading jellyfish researchers, Dr Lisa-Ann Gershwin. To download her mobile app, please search for The Jellyfish App in iTunes or Google Play Store to download.
Please contact us to discuss your needs and to receive a free, no obligation quote.